details from long walks. nothing special or significant here, just a way to document what might be otherwise meaningless...

2024-09-07: 2 miles

nothing special to note. i feel so tired when i walk these days; a sleepy tired......

2024-09-06: 3 miles

though it sounds very cliche, there was a beheaded doll on the ground. i assumed it was from a keychain. it was a white, cloth bear with a bow tie around its neck. and no head, of course.

2024-09-04: 4 miles

i walk past this old couple's home every single time i go for a walk. only today did i notice they have a pretty big height difference; the taller one is usually hunched over.

2024-09-03: 5 miles

it was nice and chilly, i was so happy. it's been too hot recently. i saw an absurd amount of cars & kids riding bikes on their way to the elementary school; that one crossing i'm scared of was very packed. a kid rung his bike's bell at me.

2024-08-27: 2 miles

i saw a colorful trough at the curb with various wooden shapes within it; a children's toy. it was dead silent, 5am, and the side of it read "fun ahead." not something i wanted to read on an ominous morning....

2024-08-25: 6 miles

it was 6am and really quiet and i was thinking "there's nothing special i can write about today." not even ten seconds later, a black cat crosses the street right in front of me. recurring symbol in this life. i couldn't stop smiling after.

2024-08-24: 2 miles

too hot for a longer walk. and too sunny. i walked past a bathroom sink on the curb; just a plain old sink, dismembered from the rest of the house, with pipes at the bottom torn. it was as out of place as it sounds...

2024-08-23: 10 miles

was crossing the street beside the elementary school (the one i always get anxious about seeing cars near) & saw a kid using two scooters at the same time. one for each foot. i also walked a little too close to a rabbit that refused to run away even as i was right behind it....